For the purpose of evaluating a building structure, it is possible to use a widerange of valuation methods and approaches. The choice of a particular method, ora combination of these, depends on the purpose of the valuation, and in most casesthe valuator is responsible for the choice of method. The valuation is then onlyused with selected methods, and no feedback and linkage to other unselectedmethods is considered here. Therefore, this present article aims to process thevaluation of a particular building structure by several valuation methods andapproaches, to evaluate the obtained results and then to compare the advantages ordisadvantages of individual methods. The benefit of the article should be toexemplify standard evaluation processes in expert appraisals and give processors awider view of the evaluation of a property by different valuation methods.
Comparing methods and approaches to valuation of a building structure/ Porovnání metod a přístupů při ocenění stavby
Volume: 1/2018
Issue: 1
Author: Tomáš KRULICKÝ, Jakub HORÁK
Keywords: usual price, observed price, benchmark value, valuation/obvyklá cena, zjištěná cena, směrná hodnota, oceňování
For the purpose of evaluating a building structure, it is possible to use a widerange of valuation methods and approaches. The choice of a particular method, ora combination of these, depends on the purpose of the valuation, and in most casesthe valuator is responsible for the choice of method. The valuation is then onlyused with selected methods, and no feedback and linkage to other unselectedmethods is considered here. Therefore, this present article aims to process thevaluation of a particular building structure by several valuation methods andapproaches, to evaluate the obtained results and then to compare the advantages ordisadvantages of individual methods. The benefit of the article should be toexemplify standard evaluation processes in expert appraisals and give processors awider view of the evaluation of a property by different valuation methods.