Nowadays, expertness is considered a very important activity, yet not very wellknown and widespread for the public. However, expertness has been connectedwith the society activities for many years. This contribution focuses primarily onthe expert and the impulses inherent in their work. Although the activity of anexpert is very interesting, it has still not been widespread much in the CzechRepublic, especially among students, who appear to be not interested much in thisfield. Therefore, judicial expertise and organizations in general lack experts. Thisis also due to the fact that in the Czech Republic, there are not enough fields ofstudy enabling students to become professionals with corresponding knowledge,skills, and responsibilities required in this branch. Nevertheless, this is about tochange, when the changes shall also focus on improving the quality of expertreports.
Expertness and changes after adopting amendment to act/ Znalectví a změny po přijetí novely zákona
Volume: 1/2019
Issue: 1
Author: Tomáš KRULICKÝ, Jakub HORÁK
Keywords: history of expertness, basic terms, existing legislation and changes, education in expertness/ historie znalectví, základní pojmy, platná legislativa a změny, vzdělání v oboru znalectví