Biotický odpad jako ochrana životního prostředí / Biotic waste as environmental protection

Volume: 1/2022
Issue: 1
Keywords: bioodpad, odpad, přírodní materiál, recyklace, ekologie, uhlíková stopa / biowaste, waste, natural material, recycling, ecology, carbonfootprint

In the seminar work, I find out, from the point of view oft he economic threat to the planet, the use of biotic waste from natural materials such as wood, paper, cotton and carbon footprint on the environment. The work is based on qualitative research, where the analysis of documents, individual texts of authors by induction was performed, and so the conclusion of the work was evaluated. Further use of biotic waste is a great benefit in today's polluted world, thanks to proper recycling, waste such as wood, paper, cotton can be used for further industrial processing and thus does not have to pollute the planet due to its large carbon footprint.

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