Nowadays, there are many ways to help the environment and to improve thequality of life not only for ourselves but also for people around us. This trend isincreasingly being promoted also in transport. If we want to reduce the dischargeof harmful substances in the air generated by combusting fuels in all types ofmechanized transport, one of the ways to do it is a purchase of an electric vehicle. The objective of this contribution is to highlight the concept of electric vehicles assuch, in comparison with a common vehicle equipped with a combustion engineor any other form of it as a part of a hybrid electric vehicle. It is clear that for anelectric vehicle running a great amount of electric energy is necessary, which isprovided by distribution companies. For existing and potential customers,distribution companies offer distribution tariffs associated with the use ofelectricity. Due to a certain expansion and growing interest in electric vehicles,there are legislative regulations in the EU and the CR concerned with this topic.These go hand in hand with the European Commission plans that aim to asignificant reduction of CO2 emissions. Transport users can choose between twotypes of electric vehicles, depending on whether they plan to use them in an urbanor non-urban environment. Finally, other possibilities of reusing batteries fromelectric vehicles shall be mentioned.
Creating optimized price model of electric energy tariff for electric vehicles use/ Vytvoření optimalizovaného cenového modelu tarifu elektrické energie pro využití elektromobilů
Volume: 1/2019
Issue: 1
Keywords: electric vehicle, Czech distributors, EU and CR legislation, vehicles comparison, hybrid electric vehicle, electric energy/ elektromobil, čeští distributoři, legislativa EU a ČR, komparace vozidel, hybridní elektromobil, elektrická energie