In the event it is necessary to determine a property value, it is recommended tocontact a valuer, who determines the price using a selected method of valuation ofproperty. Nevertheless, this contribution deals mainly with determining prevailing(market) price of the construction of a shed and land on an example specified inthe text. The introductory part of the contribution presents a theory concerningnamely prevailing (market) price, valuation of asset, property, and buildings. Themethodology is focused on the basic information about the given topic andincludes also real estate market index as well as location index. The following partdeals with the valuation method, namely valuation rules. The conclusion partshows the recapitulation of the results and determined prevailing (market) price.
Determining the common (market) price of building and land building / Stanovení obvyklé (tržní) ceny stavby kolny a pozemku
Volume: 2/2019
Issue: 2
Keywords: asset valuation, valuation of property, prevailing price /