Determining the financial performance of enterprises in the South Bohemian Region

Volume: 1/2024
Issue: 1
Author: Sandra Kašparová, Tomáš Cejpek
Keywords: Financial analysis, trends, South Bohemia Region, changes, academic cooperation, manufacturing sector, service sector

The South Bohemian Region has undergone a significant socio-economic transformation in recent years, which has had a significant impact on the financial performance of companies. The aim of the study was to thoroughly evaluate the financial performance of selected South Bohemian enterprises and, based on the identification of trends in regional economic development and the strategy of enterprises, to identify the elements that strengthen their competitive position and regional economic impact. To meet the objective, quantitative data from the MERK database was used, to which polynomial regression was applied. The analysis carried out determined that enterprises belonging to the manufacturing sector generally achieve higher profitability than their counterparts in the service sector. However, greater fluctuations can be observed due to various macroeconomic factors. Subsequently, a correlation analysis was developed which identified stronger links between the number of employees and economic performance in the service sector. This underlines the importance of good human resource management in this sector. Using further correlation analysis, it was found that the collaboration of enterprises with academic institutions has a positive effect on their profitability, which may result in improved competitiveness of the enterprise. The limitation of the thesis lies in the smaller sample size of the surveyed enterprises and the lack of awareness of collaboration with academia, this fact may cause a certain degree of inaccuracy in the interpretation of the results of the thesis.

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