Plastic is currently one of the most widely used materials. Engel Holding GmBh is one of the central companies that produce injection molding machines for the production of plastic components and products. In the Czech Republic, the group is represented by Engel strojírenská spol. s r. o., where it is one of the largest employers in the South Bohemian region. The aim of this paper is to perform a comprehensive financial analysis of Engel strojírenská spol. s r. o. The analysis of absolute indicators, ratio analysis, bankruptcy and creditworthiness models and Economic Value Added (EVA) in terms of Equity and Entity are used. The observed period of thirteen financial years brings information about the expanding assets of the company, which was distressed only by the global economic recession that erupted in 2008. In general, based on the analysis, we can look at the company Engel strojírenská spol. s r. o. as a relatively stable economic entity with a strong focus on Industry 4.0. On the other hand, the robustness of the overall progression of assets is reflected in the lower values of the corresponding profitability indicators, such as Return on Assets (ROA) and others. These findings can be helpful to the management of the company and its surroundings.
Redistribution of staff in the accounting department of the company GW Jihotrans, a. s. as a result of the COVID-19 crisis and its impac
Volume: 1/2021
Issue: 1
Keywords: koronavirová krize, zaměstnanci, home office, přeškolení, propouštění zaměstnanců / coronavirus crisis, employees, home office, retraining, employee dismissal