Strojová predikce vývoje časové řady akcií na příkladu konkrétního podniku / Machine prediction of the development of the time series of shares on the example of a specific company

Volume: 1/2020
Issue: 1
Author: Pavlína NOVÁKOVÁ, Jiří KUČERA
Keywords: trading, analýza akciových trhů, technická analýza, strojová predikce, časové řady / trading, stock market analysis, technical analysis, machine prediction, time series

Based on the elements of technical analysis and reading graphs, we obtain such acombination of input and output techniques that earn long-term. By visualevaluation, it is possible to see trends in graphs and with the correct identificationof the trend it is possible to make money on it, and this research is focused on thisissue. The aim of this technical analysis is to confirm or refute the assumption thatthe share prices of ČEZ, a. S., In the next 5 days will have a growing tendency andrecommendations for potential investors. With the help of technical analysis, it wasfound that the development of prices over the period under review was initiallyincreasing in nature, followed by a lateral and then sharply declining trend. Thisdecrease stopped at the price of CZK 360 per share as of March 16, 2020. A growingtrend followed, which continues at the present time and could maintain a growingtrend in the following days. A valid and recognized premise is that odds are notrandom, they usually trend. For investors, the growing trend is always moreadvantageous. Based on the results of research in the long term, we can also expectthis from the shares of ČEZ, a.s. It is very likely that the stock will maintain therising trend in the next five days.

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