Based on data obtained from an online questionnaire survey, this article explores the so-called "working from home" model, which employers were forced to implement. It also examines the potential impacts of remote work on employees' lives. The COVID-19 pandemic significantly increased the number of employees working from home. Given that remote work has expanded into sectors and professions where it was previously unimaginable, the results indicate that this work style was not entirely suitable. The aim of this study is to determine the extent of changes that occurred following the introduction of remote work and the closure of schools due to the pandemic, using an online questionnaire survey. The findings suggest that working from home did not suit most employees, as they spent more time working remotely than they would in the office. Additionally, due to school closures, some employees faced difficulties concentrating on their work as they had to take care of their children more frequently.
Vyhodnocení zkušeností s prací z domova / Evaluation of experience with working from home
Volume: 1/2021
Issue: 1
Keywords: COVID-19, práce z domova, soulad mezí prací a volným časem, pracovní uspokojení, distanční vzdělávání / COVID-19, working from home, work-life balance, job satisfaction, distance learning